Full List of Tasks and Plug-Ins with Descriptions

Standard Tasks

 Approval: Defines an approval task that is a logical decision point in the process.

 Counter: The Counter task allows you to count the number of times that it has been completed. This allows you to defined rules that limit the number of iterations of other tasks

 Data Container: Allows you to create a custom API endpoint that can receive posted JSON data and store it as instance data in your Integrify database.

 Developer Form: Lets you present a customer HTML/HTML5 form to the end user to gather information.

 Form: Lets you present a form to the end user to gather information.

 Form Assigner: The Form Assigner task enables an end user to decide who will complete specific tasks in a process based on a user input from an Integrify form. The end user can also define the time-based settings of a task in the process (due date, time out date, reminders and schedule date (to start the task in the future).

 FTP Push: The FTP Push Task allows a process to transfer a file generated from one of the PDF task types, or directly from a File Attachment question from a form to an ftp server.

 General Notification: Allows you to send email notifications to user(s).

 Launch Request: The Launch Request task type allows for parent requests to launch related requests with unique request IDs and their own process definitions.

 Milestone: Sets and communicates the overall status of your process as it executes

 Task Assigner: Supports Ad-hoc assignment of tasks in the process by allowing the end user to search for and select a user or group of users to assign to another task.

 Task Scheduler: The Task Scheduler allows users to schedule tasks within a process.

 User Profile: Enables the Process Administrator to define a process that lets end users update specific portions of their contact profile. Most commonly used when the Process Administrator wants to create a process that enables an end user to reset his/her password.

Optional Plugins

(Please contact us for pricing at sales@integrify.com)

 Box.com File CopyThe Box File Copy plugin can save workflow file attachments to your Box.com account. When designing a workflow, add a Box File Copy task after any tasks that may contain file attachments you want to copy.

 Command LineAllows administrators to trigger an external application from within an Integrify Process – opening up the use of the operating system as well as a variety of languages, frameworks, and tools.

 Custom Grid: Enables bi-directional capability to display, enter and update multiple database table records via a spreadsheet-like interface.

 Database Pull: Retrieve one or several rows of data from a remote database to be used in the run-time execution of your process.

 Database Push: Enables you to execute a SQL statement or stored procedure and pass run-time process data.

 Dynamic Assigner: Allows for dynamic assignment of one or a group of users to a task a run-time based on SQL statement.

 Dynamic Notification: Allows for general email notifications to be dynamically sent based on email addresses provided in a form.

 Excel Batch: Use the Excel Batch Plugin to trigger multiple requests based on the number of rows containing content in an Excel document.

 Excel Import: Upload and import data from an Excel workbook into your process.

 Local File Copy: The Local File Copy Plugin allows customers to save a copy of files attached within a request to a local or network folder. (Note: Only Available for On-Premises or Private Cloud Installations).

 Open URL: Processes can be configured to present a task that launches a new browser window to a remote or internal URL.

 PDF Generator: Populates a PDF form with values from Integrify.

 PDF Merge: Creates a new PDF by merging up to 5 PDF documents that are either generated by a PDF Generator task and/or attached within a form in a process.

 REST Client: The REST Client task allows Integrify to consume RESTful web services and parse a JSON response. This task is used to push and pull data from Web API's.

 SharePoint Upload: This Plugin task type will upload a file that is submitted in a file attachment question on an Integrify web form to the specified document library (and folder) in SharePoint. NOTE: Compatible with SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Edition (On-Premise installations only). Not compatible with SharePoint Office 365 at this time.

 Web Service: Provides the ability to perform a SOAP 1.1/1.2, HTTP Post, or HTTP GET to a remote service.


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