Once a Form has been created within Integrify, you may add questions at any time by selecting the Questions tab while viewing the form:
The Questions tab displays a list of all questions that have been created for your form. From this location, you will be able add, edit, copy and remove any question on the form.
To add a question, select Add Question:
You can then type in the Label for the question, select the Question Type, choose yes/no for if it is a Required field and assign it to a Page:
Integrify supports multiple types of questions for your input needs. Once you add a question, you can then select Edit for the field and also include Help which will be displayed for the user and a Section Header, which will include a Section Header above the field in the form.
In the example above, a Short Text question has been selected and this will add a single line, short text input box on the form. The other question types currently supported are:
- Calendar: pop-up calendar control to enter dates.
- Contact Search: a specialized look-up that allows the end user to search for any contacts in Integrify (or the administrator can configure the question to only return users by a searched group).
- Display Label: allows you to define a read-only label field in your form. Once you add, go to edit for the question type, then Default Text to add your content.
- Email: a single line, short text entry field. Integrify validates the date entered to ensure that it conforms to an email address format such as janedoe@acme.com
- File Attachment: this field will enable the end user to browse their local desktop and upload a file to the form being submitted.
- Link: a single line, short text entry field. Integrify will validate the data entered to see that it conforms to a common pattern such as http://www.integrify.com or c:\\temp\myfile.txt, or \\NetworkShare\myfile.txt.
- LineItem: The Line Item and Line Item Sum question types work together to allow Line Item entry in forms. (See More)
- LineItemSum: The Line Item and Line Item Sum question types work together to allow Line Item entry in forms. (See More)
- Long Text: a multi-line, text entry field. Typically used for long descriptions.
- Multichoice Check Box: a series of checkboxes. Checkbox values may be a static list or bound to a database query.
- Multichoice Radio Button: a series of radio buttons. Radio buttons values may be a static list or bound to a database query.
- Multichoice Select: produces a drop-down list of values. The list values may be a static list or bound to a database query.
- Multicontact Search: a specialized look-up that allows the end user to search for any contacts in Integrify and select more than one contact.
- Multifile Attachment: enables users to attach multiple files with one file attachment field.
- Number: a single line, text entry field. Integrify will validate the data entered contains only numeric values.
- Password: creates a masked password entry text field with a secondary confirmation password entry text field. Integrify will validate that the passwords match. Most commonly used on a custom user profile update process.
- Rich Text: creates a rich text entry field.
- Search Box: creates a pop-up search window that enables a search against secondary data sources.
- Short Text: a single line, text entry field.
- Time Zone: presents a list of time zones. Generally used to update profile information for an Integrify User.
- YesNo: creates a drop-down list contain only Yes and No as options.
After a question has been added, it will appear in the list below the question entry area:
If multiple questions are added on the form, you may perform drag/drop options on the list to change the default order of the list. To re-order the question list, left-mouse click and hold on the question you would like to move. Then move your cursor up/down the list:
An indicator will appear stating that you have successfully grabbed a question to re-order. Simply move your cursor to the new location in the grid and release.
Note: The re-order of questions will impact how the question information is eventually displayed in the Request Detail. It will also impact the default layout of a form prior to any edits to that layout. If you have made changes to the default layout of a form and then re-order your question list, it will not alter the form layout again. It will only be reflected in the Request Detail display of that form data.
At this point you may, you can select the row for a field and then be able to select Delete Question, Copy Question or Edit the question:
Edit the details of a question such as the question label, help notes, maximum field size, database query & connections, etc. | |
Copy Question: copy the question in its entirety and add it to the form. | |
Delete Question: delete the question from the form. |