Shared Tabs: Introduction

Shared Tabs allow administrators to define user interface tabs that can be assigned to users or groups within the organization. These tabs can include Integrify widgets that display unique views into information that you want to make available to users.

You can define up to 3 shared tabs for a user, including a users’ default tab that displays when they log into Integrify. By using Shared Tabs, you can control and configure the look you want your users to experience when they log into Integrify.

For example, you might want to display these widgets (My Latest Submitted Requests, My Latest Open Tasks, System Messages and My Profile) on a user’s default tab:

Another example is to define a 2nd shared tab for the user with access to certain metric reports that display more of a dashboard look.

Or a 3rd tab that includes pre-defined filters into a user’s open Approval tasks.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 August 2013 23:40


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