Viewing a Request

When you are viewing a request, by default, you will have 3 tabs to view information about the request (your system administrator has the ability to reorder these tabs or limit which tabs appear):

  • Request Detail
  • Flow View
  • Discussion


Request Detail
The Request Detail tab will present a Summary of the request including the Request ID, Process Name, Status, Requester, Client (who the request is for) and the submitted and last updated dates.
The Completed Forms section will display any completed forms in the request, who completed them and the dates that they were completed.
The Task History section will display the history of all tasks in the process, either Completed or In Progress.  You can epand any of these to see who completed them or who they are assigned to.


Flow View
The Flow View tab will display the entire process design and with Completed task icons in color and In Progress task icons outlined.  You can also hover over any task to see more details of the related task:


You can use the Discussion tab to add comments/notes to the request.  Each request has a Discussion tab (can be configured by your Process Administrator so as not to be included).  The Discussion area let’s any individual that is associated with the request (the requester, a person assigned a task to completed, received an email notification, etc) to add additional comments and even attachments to be associated with this one particular request in Integrify:


Posting a Comment:
Say something in the text area provided and select the Post icon:



There are several options when posting a comment.  You can also include attachments with your comment by selecting the Attachment icon:



Or you optionally choose to either send your comment in an email to a user of your choice or limit viewing access to your comment to a user in the system.


You will be presented with the following to check which option you want and select a user:



Once you do this, you can then select the Post icon and you will see the comment and the user that was notified of the comment displayed:



If you should need to Edit or Remove your comment, the comment is editable and allowed to be removed for a period of 10 minutes after the post (Administrators can edit/remove at any time):



Example below:


Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 August 2013 22:50 


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