In this section, we will show how to:
- Add widgets to a shared tab
- Add reports to a shared tab
- Add queues to a shared tab
- Change the layout of your shared tab
To configure what is displayed on a Shared Tab, select the ‘Change Layout, Add and Remove Widgets’ icon to open the tab:
You can now add items to the Shared Tab by selecting the Add Item icon within your shared tab and then selecting either ‘Add widget to tab’, 'Add report to tab' or 'Add queue to tab'. Once you add the item the change is saved (there is no Save button). You may need to log out for the the changes to be reflected.
Adding a Widget to a Shared Tab
Select Add widget to tab to add widgets from the Widgets Library to the Shared Tab:
In this example, we’ll add the Open Tasks widget:
You can also save filters for the widgets that display within the tab. (Note: Pre-defined filters that are saved by the administrator in a shared tab can not be changed by the users or groups that the shared tab is assigned to.)
…and rename the title of the widget by double-clicking the existing name of the widget ('My Open Tasks') and then selecting the Edit Title icon in the widget window:
You can also select which columns of data you want to display in your widget:
Adding an HTML Widget to Your Tab
Sometimes you might want to add informational widgets to your tabs. These can be used for announcements, help text or anything else you might want to communicate to a user. To do this, add an HTML Panel widget.
Once you've added the HTML Panel widget, double-click on the panel header to customize the content.
Adding a Report to a Shared Tab
Select Add report to tab to add reports from the Reports Library to the Shared Tab:
As you can see, the report you selected will appear in your Shared Tab:
Adding a Queue to a Shared Tab
Select Add queue to tab to add queues from the Reports Library to the Shared Tab:
As you can see, the queue you selected will appear in your Shared Tab:
Changing the Layout of your Shared Tab
You can optionally change the shared tab’s layout by selecting ‘Edit Tab Layout’. This is a required action if you wish to add more objects to the tab than are currently supported in the previous layout. For example, if you are using the first layout in the list show below and wish to add reports or widgets, you need to chose a layout that support multiple objects or your changes will not appear.
..or you can drag the widgets to the sections of the tab that you want:
As shown here:
Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 August 2013 23:40